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Smart Bevels

While messing with Bevel modifiers for the one-millionth time, I had the idea to create an add-on which could keep bevels in sync throughout a scene. To make it more flexible, I call these “Smart Bevels” which can be used independently from regular bevels, though under the hood they are the same. Basically, we create…

Creating VoxyPy

For all of the little projects I’ve done with voxels and Python, I’ve had to create some kind of custom representation of voxel entities on the back end. This was sloppy, but not really a problem until I started adding a bunch of custom features to voxygen (which I’ll be writing about soon). Every conversion,…

Adding Perlin Noise to VoxyGen

VoxyGen has had a lot of updates in the past few months, and I’ve been working on an extensive post detailing all the new features. But in the meantime, here’s a fun little update I added today that should yield some cool results when used correctly. I’ve added Perlin noise to VoxyGen for commands that…

Troubleshooting a Crontab Job

In yesterday’s post I created a crontab that saves a backup copy of my Obsidian vault to my server every night. This morning, however, I was met with this: That column between username and date is the size of the file in bytes. Pretty odd that yesterday’s notes would be ~5mb, but today’s is only…

Quick Backup Automation With Bash

The Problem I recently started using Obsidian to bring some regulation to my large number of poorly organized notes. Of course, using multiple devices, I need to keep my vault in sync at all times. While you can pay for their proprietary cloud sync services, I’ve actually opted to create my own. I wanted to…

Creating the VoxyGen Thumbnail Pic

The VoxyGen repo needed a flashy picture, and what better way than using a bit of its own functionality? I used this vxgn script to create a nice, dense, organically random block with a solid floor —life-dense: x: 60 y: 60 z: 30 script: [ { name: life, spawn_rate: 0.5, color_start: 1, color_offset: 1 },…

Disc Golf Analytics: Completed Games

Last time I wrote a query to pivot the default UDisc scorecard data, which opened a lot of possibilities for analysis, but also made it a little more difficult to decide whether a game had been completed. Marking games as “complete” means that you played all holes on the course in one round. For traditional…


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